Which type will work for you?

Let's have a look at the main types of weight loss programs. They fall into 5 categories -

- Books and Magazines
- Classes
- Counselling
- Pills
- Replacement Meals

Books and Magazines

There are many, many books to choose from containing a whole range of diets. But ask yourself if you have the sort of lifestyle, with the time to read through the book thoroughly, understand all that it is telling you, and to probably keep having to look up and refer to various areas of the diet.

If you have, then that is a plus point to consider. However, you are very much on your own and therefore have to be a strongly self-motivated person.

You could, of course, try and find a dieting buddy who feels that your chosen weight loss program suits them as well. You don't want them to drop out, so make sure they have also asked themself all the earlier questions and have properly investigated the chosen program.


Many people like to join a slimming club and go to weekly classes. This works very well for people who are motivated by other people with a similar problem and don't mind the rather public exposure of their success or failure.

Having the commitment of weekly classes is a very strong motivation for some, but people with deeper underlying problems for their weight gain, might not find the "teacher" has the time to spend on one single person, thus getting to the root cause and helping that person to deal with it, promoting long-term success. They also may not have had adequate training in helping those cases.


Private counselling is not always that easy to get hold of, but when possible it can be of special benefit to those people who have had long-term problems with their weight.

Having to see someone on a weekly basis is, again, highly motivating. But above all, being able to talk on a one-to-one basis about your under lying problems is very important.

The downside to this is that if done privately, it can be more expensive than other types of weight loss program.


Pills, of course, would seem to be the easy option, a quick fix, without having to make too many lifestyle changes. There are many on the market and are very easy to get hold of.

However - do remember (or take a look at by clicking here) what I said in my introduction about checking with your doctor first before starting any weight loss program.

There has always been a lot of controversy over diet pills. They can change your metabolism and of course don't teach you any lifestyle changes for long-term maintenance of your desired weight loss goal.

Replacement Meals

Replacement meals have been around for a long time. I can remember as a teenager trying the very famous replacement meal biscuits. Not that that lasted long - I like proper food too much!

Many people use them (in many guises-liquid form being very popular) and they often contain added vitamins and minerals. The downside is that you may not find them very satisfying, psychologically if not physically, and they also won't help you know how much "normal" food you can eat at that replaced meal, when you have reached your goal weight.

So, you have checked a few things out about yourself ( see First Things First if you have not ) and looked at the main types of Weight Loss Programs. It's now time to pick out and investigate fully the type of program which suits your personality and lifestyle.

Don't go rushing in.

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