REVIEWSWhat the users think
Before buying any product, it is always a good idea to benefit from the reviews and experiences of other users, especially those who have no interest in promoting the product and who will give an honest view.
The most searching appraisals will come from reporters, who usually have a vested interest in being controversial and will focus on the obvious advantages and disadvantages, but who might not appreciate the longer term benefits. Appraisals also come from customers who have had to justify acquiring the product and then invested their time understanding and using it.
At aLOTeasier-DICTATION we are very aware of the need for users’ views on all the items which we discuss, because although the product may be fit for the purpose for which it is designed, it is vital that it fits a particular user’s requirements.
Our aim is to give enough information about products to enable users to gauge the usefulness of the product for them.